Pet Poisoning – What to Do

Pet Poisoning – What to Do

I would like to share this article written by Dr. Karen Becker because being prepared in a pet poisining emergency can mean the difference between life and death for your pet. At Kelly’s Pet Sitting in Medford, Oregon, our sitters are aware of the signs of...

Symptoms that Dog and/or Cat Owners Should Not Ignore

SYMPTOMS THAT DOG AND/OR CAT OWNERS SHOULD NOT IGNORE This is Part 1 in a 2 part series of symptoms that dog and/or cat owners should not ignore, and should seek veterinary attention right away. They are not in order of importance, as they are all important. In these...

How to Bring a Scared Cat Out of Hiding

How to Bring a Scared Cat Out of Hiding I was recently reminded of how much patience this requires while on a Kelly’s Pet Sitting visit. The female cat in question (“Hen”) was ill and didn’t have a cat or dog companion, so it was of the utmost...

My First Interview for Oregon Dog

I was recently interviewed by Robert Hudson, the creator of This website has some great blogs about dogs and he supports dog adoption and education for dog owners everywhere.  He had some great questions about Kelly’s Pet Sitting in Medford, OR...


MEOWY CHRISTMAS AND YAPPY NEW YEAR FROM KELLY’S PET SITTING! With the holidays here and all those yummy treats being passed around, does your dog or cat look at you with pleading eyes?  I know mine do, but we try to limit human food for our pets.  So, I thought it...