Avoiding Pet Depression
Let’s face it; it’s becoming a trend that our pets are developing very human-like issues. Or maybe we just didn’t think to notice before. A generation ago, you never heard about pets getting cancer, and certainly not having the emotional and psychological issues that are becoming so common and often treated medicinally these days.
But pet depression and anxiety are real. These sweet beings thrive on love and attention. So it makes sense that they might succumb to the same negative psychological reactions we humans do when encountering stressful situations. Research shows that leaving them alone for extended periods of time creates true anxiety in our pets. Let’s take a look:
Cats abhor change. They crave a stable environment where they feel safe and loved. You are a big part of that stability and when you’re away, that is a significant change for them. Boarding is not often an effective solution since cats are territorial. They experience stress because not only are you gone but now they are in an unfamiliar environment with the sights, smells, and sounds of other animals to boot.
We know that dogs are pack animals and crave companionship. Regardless of how emotionally healthy you believe your dog to be, he is likely to experience some level of separation anxiety in your absence. While boarding can provide some needed social interaction, there is the risk of aggressive situations and in most cases; your dog is left caged and alone at night in an unfamiliar place.
We care about our pets as if they are family. We want them to be happy. But life happens and you need to be away from them sometimes.
At Kelly’s Pet Sitting, it’s important to us that your pet is cared for both physically and emotionally while you’re away. We come to your home where they are safe and comfortable, and we spend quality time with them. We recommend at least one visit daily for cats and two to three visits daily for dogs. Our visits are never less than 30 minutes and we offer 45 and 60 minute visits as well. We also offer overnights for your pet to get the maximum amount of loving and attention.
Let us relieve the inevitable guilt of leaving your pets. We treat them like they are our own.
The Ins and Outs of Pet Grooming
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